Monday, December 21, 2009

Sweetmama Jewelry Collection color ideas

Lately of been thinking about the launch of my new jewelry collection
"Sweetmama Jewelry" jewelry for women on the go on January 14th 2010. I know I'm going to have many shades of blue, turquoise, green, clear, gold, brown and coral colors, but I open for any other color ideas. Feel free to comment any ideas.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

What happened to the last minute haul show?

Well......first of all there was terrible weather, then a football
game that took all the parking and that left the 20 plus artists
of The Last Minute Maul Holiday Show simple buying from each
other. Not quite the show I wanted to end my year with but I did
sell my Amphipod painting to a great family and a ton of little monsters
to interesting kids. Overall I still had a great time and meet some new friends.

Booth at the Last Minute Maul Holiday show at School 33 in Federal Hill

Recycled light bulb ornaments, Original Paintings, Jewelry, Snowflakes, Baby Monsters

Octopi Ornaments

Baby Monsters I caught in Patterson Park

Sold-Original Amphipod painting, now for prints on my Etsy Page.

A little Christmas Cheer

I love my Abuela!
Now here's a little Christmas Cheer and the things I hold dear to my heart,
my grandmother (abuela) is my best friend. She's like a kid the day before
Christmas when she gets to decorate. My favorite thing is that she uses 
the same X-mas decor that is older than me. Here's a picture of a 30 year 
nativity scene (missing a few pieces) andshe has cleverly replaced them. 
I see where I get it from!

Kosmo came out great!

Kosmo came out really good. I took my time sculpting all his details and the customer loved him.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Upcoming Show at School 33 Art Center

I'm very excited for my next show at the School 33 Art Center-
Last minute haul Nothing bigger than a fruitcake.
December 13 10-5pm

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Custom Ornament Order-Kosmo

First custom dog ornament of the year is Kosmo the Boston Terrier.

He is going to be sculpted out of polymer clay and attached to a decorated recycled lightbulb to create an unique dog ornament.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Welcome, I gonna give this a try!

Hello.Welcome to my first official blog.

I'm not the best speller and I often don't know what to write but I'll start off by listing what I would like to blog about. I want this blog to be about my upcoming ideas for Nikdapooh Designs(I'd love to get input), information about my upcoming shows/events and how I'm feeling as I go.I'll start with how my day went yesterday. I was lucky enough to go to the farmers market under the JFK bridge and ran into my good friend/talented artist Stephanie Wallace. I had my baby and best/talanted artist Sylvia Ortiz with me. Stephanie pointed out that my daughter is 9, my baby is 9 months old and that I had a lot of 9's going on in my life. She said I should do something inspiring or creative and I agree.

Inspiring Ideas:
Hanging fish mobiles....
I all ready make sculpted fish out of polymer clay on recycled lightbulbs and make their flowing tails out of repurposed plastic. But I want to complete the look with little fish friends, beads and jiggling things.

Hanging Jelly fish.........
If you've ever looked into the Baltimore Harbor water at six o'clock in the morning? I'm sure you're wondering what you will see in the black murky water. JELLY FISH!!! Tons of little contrasting white jelly fish jerking around together in a little dance. That is my inspiration!

Some thing with the energy ORANGE,RED!